3 Tips For Making A Big Impact On Limited Time
Though your time may be limited, the impact of living a life of contentment, intentionality and grace is unlimited. Seeing God work through your weakness sends a powerful message about what it truly means to live a life of impact.
{Nuggets of Wisdom}Three things to do when life gets challenging.
Life gets challenging. Our family recently transitioned from homeschooling to traditional school. Consequently, things around our home have changed. It’s natural for change to cause challenge in your life. Our change of schooling required some things. First is required waking up earlier. Then it required having a longer commute. The final change that caused my beautiful girls and I to cringe was the fact that we no longer had unlimited time together. We had to stick to a strict schedule. Consequently, we were used to the flexibility and freedom of choosing how we spent evenings. However, these new school “rules” had us tired and in bed by 8 some days.…
Finding Priorities: When To Say No To Yourself
Priorities. What are yours? This is a question I asked to subscribers last week. Women are doers by nature. Our focus may be different but getting things done is always the mission. So, how do you prioritize your time, energy and efforts so that you are not doing too much? You can find a few suggestions from last week here. Spoiler Alert: I cut to the chase right below. Learning to say NO is the best thing you can do to clarify your priorities. After writing this, the concept got me to thinking. My thoughts went all over the place from how people respond when you say no to them,…
The WHY behind my 3-year blogging break and how affirmations saved my sanity
As much as I love to write, when I began to put fingers to computer keys I couldn't find the words. I was looking for words to begin to express my feelings, my heart, my emotions behind this story. See, I've been wanting to share this story for a while now. I feel the quiet nudges of the Holy Spirit to press forward and to share. But again, the words just wouldn't come.
Self Care For Busy Women
My self care regiment has had some pretty major changes through out the last few years. It has gone from non-existent to number one priority. You’d think this means it comes easy for me… Think AGAIN! Confessions of a Reformed Multitasker: I used to rely on the infamous MULTITASKING. You could call me the multi-tasking queen! On any given day you could find me cooking dinner, with a one year old hanging from my boob, a 7 year old asking me deep theological questions like “Mom what’s eschatology?”, a five year old twirling & dancing her heart out. BUT now, I’m growing a little older and a little wiser thanks…