Going through a difficult time? Well I have good news for you. I am so incredibly honored to share with you a guest blog post I wrote for Prayer with Confidence. Jesse over at Pray with Confidence really gives believers the opportunity to engage in prayer in a way that fits our crazy lifestyles. I am here for it! Mom-ing is hard. Being a wife is exhausting. Single parenting is rough. Being an empty nester is lonely. Finding time for self care seems never ending, but God has given us the power of prayer and we should use it often.
This topic is so timely and personal because we have all experienced challenging times recently. From Covid-19, to the loss of income, grief, and uncertainty; difficult times seem to be more constant than not at this point. But there is hope and with prayer as our tool we can be encouraged despite the many challenges.
In this article I share these prayer tools for getting through difficult times. As always I keep it real and simple especially for those of us who are already short on time. So, if you’ve been looking for a practical way to engage with God about your tough season, then look no further. God wants to hear from you. He longs to answer your prayers. He does not have a deaf ear to your situation. Sis, please believe me when I say this. Our good God wants to hear your prayers!
Head over and read it now, then share it with a friend! Blessings Besties!